Creative Hearts: Coaching and Healing
Compassion Connection Creation
Through a gentle yet inspirational approach, using NLP Life Coaching, Reiki, and Voice/Confidence techniques, Creative Hearts can help you connect to Your Inner Voice, put your work out there, and start to take steps towards living:
An integrated heart-centred fulfilling life
Be in tune with your spirituality
Do the things you love, with people you love!
Tailored one on one sessions in person/online, based on your needs.
I have an extensive background in teaching performing arts as well as life-coaching, creative writing and healing modalities.
NLP Life Coaching
Reiki Healing
Card Readings
Songwriting and Singing
Writing and Speaking skills
Dance/Embodiment coaching
Skills for setting up a spritual/creative business
NLP Performance (Life) Coaching Level 5 diploma
Reiki Level 2
MA in Music Performance, Production and Business
BA in Professional Dance and Musical Theatre
Would you like to live as more of your Authentic Self and True Voice?
Connected to your Intuition and Trusting yourself
Experiencing synchronicities, insights and inspirations and sharing them with others.
Deeply connected and living your soul purpose and mission.
Getting your creative ideas out there!
Helping others AND be fullfilled yourself!
5 Steps to Communicate Effectively as a Creative
5 Steps to Communicate Effectively as a Creative
Overwhelmed with ideas and want to channel your work into something of value?
Hesitate with sharing your messages due to fear of being misunderstood or not being received in the way you intended?
This FREE Workbook has 5 simple steps to help you communicate your important messages, by tuning into the source within you to help as your guide!
Dear Creative Heart,
Do you hold back your creativity or spiritual self? Or feel it doesn’t matter to people, do you let your ideas stay in your mind, or when you do start to put your business or art work out there get down about yourself because you want to reach more people?
You are not alone.
Living a Creative and Spiritual Life, can feel daunting.
Frustrations. Mishaps.. Misunderstands and delays. Seem to block your Journey.
In this world, society don’t always take the time to value our inner being. Creativity takes a back seat. Spirituality a luxury.
But Your Voice is important.
Your Creativity and Spirituality changes lives!
Take a moment, to breathe and consider this message..
What if the blocks and challenges, procrastinations and fears, are simply sacred wounds? Here to help you create something greater than you ever imagined…
“The Wound is Where the Light Enters”
(£60 per session)
What should we know about the services you provide? Better descriptions result in more sales.
(£55 per session)
Advanced (Save £120!)
What should we know about the services you provide? Better descriptions result in more sales.
(£50 per session)
Note: Each of these tiers can include any/all of the services, (life coaching, voice, reiki, card readings, creativity, business/relationship support) based on your needs, if you are unsure which to choose or are someone who is struggling financially please contact/book a clarity call. For information on upcoming Events Click Here and scroll down to upcoming events.
Even if it’s simply a little bit more than you did before, a little can go a long way…
So let's connect.
And start your journey to Creating with Heart.
Jemma Rosenthal
Some insight and words from ‘Finding & Empowering Your Voice’ Workshop
A workshop perfect for anyone looking to express themselves more fully and authentically in their business and/or their life. Contact Jemma here to find out more or book a 1-to-1
An insight into ‘Creatives Connect’
Creatives Connect host free meet-ups once a month, giving the opportunity for Creatives to Connect and share their insights, wisdoms and receive support from fellow Creative entrepreneurs/ part-time creatives.
During my own experience in the Creative Arts business and entrepreneur journey, I have found spaces that give time for creatives to connect absolutely invaluable. Too many artists and coaches find themselves struggling alone, without guidance or support. And I wanted to provide that support and offer a space where we can come together and share. Creatives Connect acts as both a networking and support group. And encourages artists to promote their work and share their stories! Artists matter and Creatives coming together can build better environments, making sure Art and Spirituality have an important place in todays business world.
Contact Jemma here if you’re interested in joining.
The Next Creatives Connect will be on Trauma Awareness and Creative Healing, happening on November 25th with guest host Siobhan Louise. Link to Join.